The Role of the Teacher in the Age of Google
“You don’t need to teach us. That’s what Google is for.” That was the message a student shared with a surprised audience of educators during a popular technology conference. They went on to say, “If I can't figure something out I prefer to watch a YouTube video or text a friend rather than ask a teacher.” The other students in the room nodded their heads in agreement. Many teachers understand this is how today’s students prefer to learn. When we stop banning and fighting technology and start to embrace the connected classroom, a shift in teaching practice certainly must follow. What does that look like? How has the role of teaching, learning, and professional learning for teachers changed in the age of Google. In this session two classroom teachers and two administrators will discuss some of the shifts they’ve seen and then discuss with participants how they have or can embrace new roles for modern teaching.
Conversational Practice
This session uses the What? So What? Now What? protocol. The whole group will discuss the “What?” which is how students prefer to learn. Then they’ll discuss “So What?” and think of some new roles of teachers today. Next the room will break into pairs or groups to look at each of the various roles and elaborate on what each role looks like from the perspective of student, teacher, and learning environment. These will be collected on one Padlet. The participants will reconvene and then each group will share what they came up with and respond to feedback.
Conversation Links
Eileen LennonNathaniel Hawthorne Middle School 74
Jackie Patanio
Lisa NielsenNYC Schools
Darlynn AlfallaWagner Middle School MS167
Casey FuessLindblom Math & Science Academy
dale ioannidesThe Children's School
Kevin Jarrett
Lisa TroyThe Sage School
Devon ThomasSLA Alumni, Philadelphia E&T Charter High School
Scott KinkophBrecksville Broadview Heights Schools
Erin StamperSt, Paul's School
Joseph Martino
GUSTAVO SEGREDOConcordia University Chicago
Cindy Sabik
Stacey LindesWest Windsor-Plainsboro
Randy ZiegenfussSalisbury Township School District
Derrick AyersRehoboth Road Middle School
John SchinkerBrecksville-Broadview Hts (OH) Schools
Jeff RichardsonHoover City Schools
Alexis Schmidt
Alex NorthrupFoxcroft School
James Walker
Susan BlethenBurlington High School
Shayna Schwartz
Joseph ConroyPond Road Middle School, Robbinsville, NJ
Mark BasnageProspect Sierra / MakeKnowledge
Teresa BasnageCollege of San Mateo
Victoria Poltavskiy
Gina Angelillo
Grace O'KeeffeHudson High School of Learning Technologies
Caroline PatrieAddison Northeast Supervisory Union
Gerald PatersonTabernacle Elementary School
Katie RowlettUniversity City Science Center
Victor Karkarscrible
Megan Nieman
Scott MarshallThe Tatnall School
Javier Bastos
Anna RobertsLinville Hill High School
Erin FeerickKensington CAPA High School (KCAPA)
Erin MurphyEast Penn School District
Arthur MockabeeThe Charter HS for Law and Social Justice
Dylan FentonCollingswood Public Schools
John Henkel
Bryan LakatosThe Miami Valley School
Karen HuangEdu-Tech Academic Solutions
Melissa Beemsterboer
Lauren LeagueSchool District of Philadelphia
Courtney Crawford
Jen Pollack
Kevin Harris
Knikole TaylorLancaster ISD
Lauren Stout
Margaret SislerFairfax County Public Schools
Dan GallagherWest Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District
Basil KolaniRidgefield Academy
William SutherlandSalesianum School
THOMAS HOTraders Point Christian Schools
Karen BlumbergThe Brearley School
Wendy EiteljorgThe Shipley School
David Ristow
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