Helping Students Navigate a Media Saturated World
Our students live in a world that is over-saturated with videos, photos, ads, music, and social media posts. How do we as educators help them navigate this world and flourish in it? In this session we will make space for questions the participants have and proactive ideas we can all take back to our classrooms.
Led by SLA Digital Video teacher Anna Walker-Roberts, this session will make space for questions we all bring to the table as well as proactive ideas we can each take back to our classrooms.
Conversational Practice
This conversation will start by having participants discuss a few essential questions related to how students operate in a media-saturated world and sharing out some of the major ideas they discuss. Participants will be able to add their own questions to the mix and share ideas they have for guiding students on how to be a responsible consumer, creator, and sharer of media.
Conversation Links
Marita FitzpatrickBodine High School for International Affairs
Deborah MackeyCouncil Rock School District
Adam DurantFirstHand (University City Science Center)
Mary Webster
Kristin Susens
William SutherlandSalesianum School
Kristin YoungParkland School District
Stan Golanka
Chris KavanaughTrevor Day School
Bryan RosenNightingale-Bamford School
Molly Waldron
Dan AginsPawcatuck Middle School
Rebecca Yacono
Jennifer StillwellMathematics Teacher
Jill LenickSouth Western High School
David Ristow
Neda Blackburn
Dan WhalenCollingswood Public Schools
Suzie KatzPhotoWings
Anna MuessigNew Jersey Education Association
Kendra JewerRocky View Schools
Terri InloesAcademy School District 20
Claire GallagherGeorgian Court University; AIA-CAE; ANFA
Jaime CasapGoogle
Jean Nichols-Kovacs
Jon LambertFieldston School
Chris MooreNotaSchool
JR RennaParkland SD
Haley Robinson
Jeffrey McClurkenUniversity of Mary Washington
Bryan LakatosThe Miami Valley School
Colin SamuelThe Brearley School
BJ EnzweilerScience Leadership Academy
Lee Finkelstein
John FladdDeerfield Community School
Tod WitmanSchuylkill Valley School District
Chris AlfanoSLA, Jarvus
Charles MoricleTimberview Middle School
Geoffrey VonRentzell
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